Driving range divot patterns

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By Christian J

  • 12 Replies
  1. Christian J

    Christian J

    I came across an article today talking about driving range divot patterns and what I found was everyone had an opinion on what was correct. I've even had personal experience with this as my pro told me to switch up my pattern. I used to create vertical strips or small squares but now I try to have individual divots. The reasoning I got was it is easier for the grass to grow back naturally as opposed to the strips.

    Curious what you all do or your opinions on the correct pattern.

  2. Todd S

    Todd S
    Beavercreek, OH

    I've always been told to just keep them together in a square or strips. Just to help the greens repair people and not a bunch of divot's all over the place. Also it leaves more area for other players.
  3. Bob T

    Bob T
    East Otis, MA

    Interesting that you bring this up. I did not know that a pattern existed on a driving range. I practice on designated spots that they change from time to time.
  4. David T

    David T
    Grosse Pointe Farms, MI

    We have signs like this out at the and and in the clubhouse. The scattered or concentrated pattern takes longer to fill in than the strips.
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  5. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    It's always a good thing to keep it close together and maximize the use of the grass. But for the individual divots or as a start/first divot- that divot will tell you more about your swing or what you're doing in a swing- if you are looking for something in your swing.
  6. Trevor D

    Trevor D
    Bragg Creek,

    I've never heard a Superintendent advocate for the individual divot. They've always preferred strips or solid patches. Your pro might want to talk to the super before he hands out any more advice.
  7. John G

    John G
    Napa, CA

    Keep your divots close together. It makes it easier for the staff to fill in, and the hitting areas isn't all chopped up for the next person. I wish more courses had signs of proper divot patterns for using the driving ranges.
  8. Jim K

    Jim K
    Bel Air, MD

    Amen. That always seemed like a simple, elegant step to improve hitting areas quality and reduce maintenance. Also, courses that don't have ample divot mix or don't even have a bottle on their carts never made sense to me either.
  9. Chris M

    Chris M

    very special!
    I always got told to hit in stripes...
  10. I agree with David, I have spoken with most of our TPC Senior Greens Keepers and they all say to spread them out. They also do the same at TPI Oceanside.
  11. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    The visual that David provided makes sense. Never really thought about it. My course has Artificial turf to hit off of which I hate but It lets me loosen up before I play. I put Hitting Tape on the bottom of my clubs to keep the scuff marks off.
  12. Richard H

    Richard H
    Grand Prairie, TX

    I took a lesson a few weeks back and my instructor recommended making strips. Not only does it use up less space, but it makes it easier to see what I'm doing with my path. During the lesson, I was really swinging from the inside and my divot pattern provided clear evidence of that.
  13. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    Great looking Strips...But???
    What kind of Person would do this right in the middle of the first fairway?

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