Griff’s Ace at Echo Lake CC during Member Guest

Griff’s Ace at Echo Lake CC during Member Guest

Echo Lake hosted this year member guest in October since we had to postpone in June due to Covid. In the 2nd Match of the first day we are walking up to the 14th tee which was the sponsored hole in the tournament. Coming off a win in 13 and looking to keep the momentum going I consult with my caddy on club selection. The 14th hole at Echo is a long par 3 with a carry over water. It was playing 204 with a slight right to left wind. My normal safe play is to be short in order to avoid the traps. On that day I went for it. Took a 4 iron (I play the 300s) and as soon as I hit it I new it was good. Not expecting a hole in one it landed about 15 feet short of the hole. Since it had a slight baby draw on it the spin carried it forward and it eventually roles in the hole. The crew i’m with goes absolutely crazy and since it was member guest the place was hopping and the surrounding holes were screaming. Crazy moment I will never forget.