Home hole
By Joe B On August 14, 2011
My family and I live on the 15 hole of a golf course, this hole is a 127 yard par 3. One morning my dad was out playing with some friends when he called me to tell me he aced the hole! I quickly ran out to help them celebrate, being that is was his third I was getting a bit jealous that I had never hit one and he has so many. Finally my day came! I was playing the home course with some guys from work when we approached the 15th hole (home hole). I called my dad from the 14th green to let him know we were approaching and to bring out a few cold drinks. I stepped up to the tee and saw my dad standing on the green side. I hit my shot saw it bounce spin back then disappear! My dad who was standing right there started going nuts!! It was awesome my first ever hole in one, amazingly enough it was the hole we live on and my father was standing only feet away! We have both aced the hole we live on, we both play titleist Pro V1X golf balls, the only difference was our club selection and date!!