Long time wanted Ace

Long time wanted Ace

Back on 8/31/18, I was playing with 3 other friends at Lake Michigan Hills, it was our long weekend and I do not see them much so that day I decided to buy the green fees and have them only pay the cart fee. It was a beautiful but hot day to play. When we got to hole #8, a par 3, about 145 yards from the white tees. I had the honors after winning the previous hole, so I took my 7 iron and started planning my shot. The pin was located in a weird spot, guarded by a small hill and a bunker on the front of the green, we could not see the hole, just the top part of the flag. I thought of landing right behind the little hill so I could roll it towards the hole. I took my time and hit the ball smooth, with not much effort, right to the spot I wanted, barely missing the sand trap and saw the ball rolling down the littl hill. I was happy with my shot so when I returned to the cart, I grabbed my putter, hopping to have a good distance for my birdie. Only one of my friends put it on the green besides me, so when we parked the carts on the path and went on the green, I only saw my friends ball... Started looking around and didn't see mine. I knew I had a great shot and had to be by the pin... That's when I started to realize it was probably and ace! My friend and I looked at each other, walked to the pin and found my Titleist 2 ball in the hole !! We were all equally excited and did hit the bar right after the front 9!!! :) late that night, we also took the wives out for a drink.. Awesome day !