Titleist Golf Gear experts recently spent some time with #TeamTitleist members to pull back the curtain on golf bag research and development. After successful sessions discussing Golf Ball Innovation and Iron Development, we thought it would be refreshing to shed some light on one another piece of equipment golfers interact with on nearly every shot.
Jim Benton (Director of Titleist Gear) and Sean Slater (Golf Bag Product Manager) took #TeamTitleist deep into their world of golf bag development. Get insights on the 2020 bag lineup, colorways, organization, and an infamous story about a Tour player's chocolate candy leading to a lesser-known product innovation
Though we prefer to have #TeamTitleist members participate in real-time, we packaged up highlights* from the discussion into a Youtube playlist for your enjoyment. If you are interested in joining future Team Titleist Panels, please follow our discussion boards, social channels, and email newsflash to ensure you don’t miss out on these exclusive sessions.
Here are the top 3 videos from the discussion below. Want to see more? You can view all video highlights here: https://bit.ly/3eCnfLP
*Please note we had some technical difficulties during the session. Some video highlights were re-recorded for the purpose of this recap.
Golf Bags Are Like Kitchen Cabinets:
Titleist Expert's Bag of Choice:
Lesser-known Functions: