AVX Vs. ProV1

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By Carter E

  • 29 Replies
  1. Carter E

    Carter E
    B.C. Canada

    Hello all,

    New member here so please excuse me if this has been asked recently, although I have searched and could not find a related thread.

    I have recently returned to golfing on a regular basis. While i was away attending school (Broke student life style) i played 1-3 times a year. Before that, while still in high school i would play 40+ rounds a year with a Hcp that floated around 10. I have played the ProV1 since I could swing the club with sufficient speed. During my absence from the game, Titleist launched the AVX. In this time my Hcp has climbed to roughly an 18-20 (Hard to get an accurate gauge on 1-3rds a year) but my swing speed has increased. I swing roughly 105Mph comfortably now and consistently hit a high fade.

    I'm curious about everyone's experience with the AVX in comparison to the ProV1 that I typically play. I'm looking for a ball that would provide lower long range spin and a low launch angle as I naturally hit a high ball. Should I stick to the ProV1 or change things up? Thoughts, Opinions and personal experiences welcome.

    Swing easy, Carter.

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Hi Carter and welcome. Yes, the AVX is their lowest spinning, low launch premium ball and might be what you are looking for. Get a sleeve and experiment with them before you completely change over. They feel pretty soft off the putter and might not have that green stopping spin you want on short shots. The ProV1 Left Dot might be ideal for you but they are pretty hard to find. They have limited production and sell out pretty quickly when they show up. If you biggest concern over spin is with the driver, consider getting a less lofter one of adjusting down the loft. Good luck.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I have played the Prov1 for many years and have tried the AVX, along with the Prov1x, and Prov1x left dash. . I just finished participating in the 2024 AVX white box testing this past year. I have to agree with Titleist in the their comparison of the two balls.

    The AVX is best for the player who is looking for a low-flying, low-spinning golf ball with very soft feel and excellent greenside control, where the Prov1 is best for all players that prioritize performance. I seem to get better control and distance overall with the Prov1. The feel is important to me and I get that with the Prov. You have to play the ball that you feel more comfortable with and performs at the level you expect it to. Hakuna matata.

    At 77 my speed has dropped to around 93 but I get to play 70-100 rounds a year and my handicap has gone up from a 10 to a 20 also due to medical issues. Just very inconsistent with my iron game.
  4. larry m

    larry m
    columbiana, OH

    I always seem to return to prov1
  5. Thomas C

    Thomas C

    Same here, although the AVX does provide surprising results for me!
  6. Dan S

    Dan S
    Westchester, IL

    Me too.
  7. Dan S

    Dan S
    Westchester, IL

    Me too.
  8. I prefer the ProV1 over the AVX however IF you need more distance than the AVX is the way to go….

    IMHO, Chris
  9. James Young

    James Young
    Costa Mesa, CA

    AVX is a good ball especially with driver and irons. Lower spinning, lower flight for me meant more rollout with driver and not as much stopping power/spin into greens.

    Through testing, I found ProV1 to feel better on shots around the green/bunker and with the putter. Like others, I keep coming back to it for consistency.

    Enjoy the journey!
  10. K.P.

    Richmond Hill, GA

    I played the new AVX on Pinehurst #3 this past weekend and they’ve improved the spin dramatically around the green. My average drive is 251, but I hit three drives over 260 during my round. It’s a great feeling ball that’s similar in feeling to the Leo V1 off the tee but less spin. I didn’t notice much of a height difference and im a high fade player also. It’s a great ball that spun back on greens for me all day.
  11. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    I like both Carter, but the AVX flies a little low for me. I'm a low ball hitter as it is, so I need all the height I can get.
  12. Jim V.

    Jim V.
    St. Marys, GA

    Both are excellent balls. The new AVX has a different urethane cover than the Prov 1 and will spin less around the green. As suggested by Team members above, try both!
  13. Clinton M

    Clinton M
    flowery branch

    pro v1
  14. Brian C

    Brian C
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Always the best bet is see a fitter. They can show you the data to give an idea of what you would benefit from. It's always tough when you ask on a forum because you'll get a ton of different responses, since everyone is different. That is why a fitter would benefit you most. I think they are both great balls. I mean, does Titleist make a bad ball? Rather than leave it to chance that you'd be playing the wrong ball, get fit. Good luck this season!
  15. jsh_golf


    I play ProV1X because that's what I was fitted for since I need the high spin.
  16. Anthony W

    Anthony W
    Granbury, TX

    I would recommend the AVX if you're looking for low spin and low launch. It has a great feel to it. If you're looking for higher spin around the greens, go with the ProV1.
  17. I played the previous version of the AVX and switched to the left dash. I was playing them primarily for the increased distance over the Pro V1 and the Pro V1x, My chipping, short wedge game, and distance control with the putter begin to suffer. I switched back to the Pro V1 and within 3 rounds my scoring around the greens improved. I had 5 birdies shooting a 70 my last round. Going to try a sleeve of the new AVX in a non competitive round, but the feel of the Pro V1 is hard to beat. I am 64 years old playing to a 5.
  18. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Great news. Titleist has so many offerings for various levels of golfers. Each of the premium balls have specifics that we have to find that meets our needs. I am 77 and have played the Prov1 for years. Found it to be the most consistent for my game. Distance is not the only answer.
  19. I keep teetering on the fence. I am pretty committed to the prov1 but picked up an avx and was SHOCKED by how long it was. Felt soft. Didn't have a great chance to get a feel for the green spin (need to hit greens first .)

    I feel like the AVX may be finding my bag more often very soon.
  20. I heard an interesting saying a few months ago online from a fitter, can't remember where or who. They said you should fit your ball to your irons them fit your driver to the ball. Sensible really, you hit more shots with irons than a driver.
  21. Military

    I also am a Pro V1 guy who has experimented with the AVX in search for a lower ball flight. If you like the Pro V1 you'll likely like the feel of the AVX. Its SUPER soft and feels great of the putter. For me it launches noticeably lower off the irons and marginally lower off the driver.

    The main reason I moved away from it was that I wasn't able to generate additional spin around the green when I wanted to. Stock shots around the green aren't a problem because it feels so similar to the Pro V1 so the touch aspect is preserved, but I just wasn't able to hit some of the "spinier" shots around the green when I wanted to.

    I agree with some of the other comments that bring up the Left Dot. If you're looking for a lower flying Pro V1 that's exactly what it is. They're just darn hard to find. Your numbers for sort irons might change a smidge as well.
  22. JAM


    I am also waiting for the Left Dot ball. Any hope Titleist?
  23. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Sorry, Titleist won’t be leaking marketing information to us, here.

    There have been plenty of mixed signals. There has been a small quantity released to the general public, but also comments at events that many of the features of the dot have been added into the current Pro-V1 release.
  24. You may want to try other balls in the line up as well. Get a sleeve of each ball in the line up and test them, you may be surprised how well the velocity plays and/or others in the Titleist line up.
  25. Scott D

    Scott D

    I prefer the ProV1x the higher flight is what does it for me
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