Black TT bag

Follow Thread

By DennisB

  • 6 Replies
  1. DennisB

    New Lowell, ON

    Does anyone know/or have a link to pick up the black TT bag from last TT gear drop? Would prefer the black bag as opposed to the white if still available

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Any of the stock bags can be ordered from Titleist with the Team Titleist logo added. You just need to go through an authorized Titleist dealer and tell them which bag, which color, and if you just want the logo or the logo with Team Titleist spelled out below it, or even with your name added. There will be a small up-charge and a few extra weeks to get it. Enjoy.
  3. Giovanni L

    Giovanni L
    Coquitlam, BC

    The Team Titleist Players 4 black bag from the December 2021 release was a pre-order sale. Won’t be able to find that for sale anymore. I have it, use it, but don’t love it.

    Like Dale said, order the bag that you want with the customization you want and you’ll be way happier.

    Love my Hybrid 5 though
  4. Nick


    is that a staff bag or a den caddie beside it?
    Really want a den caddy... thats the dream haha
  5. Giovanni L

    Giovanni L
    Coquitlam, BC

    That’s a den caddy beside it. Got it on one of the TT Gear releases from 2021 I want to say?

    There is the basic den caddy available in the gear shop now.

    If you’re looking for one with TT embroidery, visit your favourite Titleist dealer and they should be able to order you one for a small fee.
  6. DennisB

    New Lowell, ON

    Thanks Dale & Giovanni,
    I will look into that. I do like the hybrids 5 or 14.
  7. Stephen M

    Stephen M
    Mississauga, ON

    Get my TT Logo on all my bags

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