Team Titleist T-shirts

Follow Thread

By Dennis B

  • 1 Like
  • 4 Replies
  1. Dennis B

    Dennis B
    New Lowell, ON

    will there be any T/T t-shirts or golf polos coming available?

  2. Would also love this to be able to rep TT off the course!!
  3. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Tee shirts and polos are primarily a part of a welcome package at major Team Titleist golf outings. There are also a few available for purchase if you attend the Ball Plant 3 tour.
  4. Johnny Tee

    Johnny Tee
    Mississauga, ON

    This version of forum software doesn't seem to let me post pics any more, but years ago I received (by total surprise) a Team Titleist T-shirt in the mail just for posting and being a member of TT. I still have and wear it!
  5. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Key being several years ago. The original TT membership was small. everyone got a plastic bag tag and occasional mail outs of hats and tees occurred. Membership has grown exponentially, especially since there is no control over membership like an annual fee or deletion of no activity after a certain time period. Just create a user name and have an email and you are in. This caused hundreds of thousands of TT members, most of which are just one-time complainers posting a negative experience. It is now nearly impossible for Titleist to provide the same kind of personal service they did a few years ago. Their fundamental focus continues to be on basic golf products so the Team Titleist existence, while important to us and them, will always be budgeted and supported as an auxiliary to their mainstream products. If you have ever worked as a smaller group within a large industry, you will know how difficult this can be. Just glad they keep it going for all of us. Hope it lasts longer than I do.

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