So I am lucky enough to have my own Lie/Loft Machine in the "Man Cave" where I do all my tinkering over the winter months. I have 714 AP2's so they are very easy to bend one way or another. My question is if your miss is constantly to the Right, should your lie angle be more upright? And just the opposite if your miss is to the Left ... it should be more flat? Right now they are at 1* flat and my divots were pointing more to the left (with deeper edge towards the heel) and I was hitting a lot of the shots left to right. So if i move them back to say 1* upright, would that ideally straighten out the shot? I know that there are other factors to consider like swing plane, attack angle, etc. but I was looking for a "quick fix." BTW ... having your own Loft/Lie machine pays for itself ten fold in no time at all. I have adjusted mine several times, as well as making a little cash on the side with my golfing buddies. ALSO ... TT ... love the new layout of the site! Much more user friendly now ... Thanks So Much for everything that you do.
![Post Image](/teamtitleist/cfs-file/__key/acushnet-telligent-discussions-attachments/discussions-07-00/nrrsjntwz7u3zx43ph2n.jpg)
![Post Image](/teamtitleist/cfs-file/__key/acushnet-telligent-discussions-attachments/discussions-07-00/vz6lp11xn6z1fb5hs45f.jpg)