910 D2 Loft Adjustments

Follow Thread

By Buddy

  • 4 Replies
  1. Buddy

    Garner, NC

    Planning to purchase a 910 D2 with the RIP shaft.  9.5 loft launches a little high so want to go to a lower loft but not all the way to 8.5.  If my ideal is between 8.5 and 9.5 loft, is it better to go with an 8.5 and adjust loft upward or go with the 9.5 and adjust down, or does it matter?

  2. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    I think it does matter, big time!   Going with more loft and turning it down can help fade.  Going less loft and turning it up can help fade.  Depends on you!  Please try them both or get advanced fitter advice at www.fittingworks.com.



  3. Buddy

    Garner, NC

    Thanks for the response, but not sure I follow.  You indicate turning the loft down will help fade and turning it up helps fade.  Seems you get the same results both ways.  Secondly, by "help fade" do you mean it will increase fade or help reduce fade. Thanks.

  4. Previous posts have pointed out that when you add loft with the SFT hosel system, the face angle closes slightly, and when you take loft off, the face angle opens slightly. Whether this effect is noticeable is variable. 

    For me, as I fear hooks and hate looking at a closed clubface at address, I opted for a driver with if anything excess loft, so that if I need to change loft in the future, I will be taking loft off, and so will be getting a slightly open face. Changes to lie angle (which can encourage draws and fades) do not change the face angle. 

  5. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    Sorry, my bad typo.

    Turning loft up helps the draw!

    I mean it will increase the tendency to fade.


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