KBS Tour Flex

Follow Thread

By Bjoern S

  • 2 Replies
  1. Bjoern S

    Bjoern S
    Muenster, 0



    what flex is the upgrade KBS Tour S? 5.5 or 6.0? I want to change my 710mb from DG S300 to KBS. I can step the S flex shaft

    from 4.5 - 6.5 (R - X). Which is the right one?


  2. Tim Tiger

    Tim Tiger
    Tucson, AZ

    I think all of the KBS Tour shafts come in R,S,X instead of the number system like Project X


  3. Chris O

    Chris O
    Houston, TX

    I believe the 5.5 and stands for Frequency.  Per the KBS web site Reg is a frequency of 5.1 and Stiff is 6.1.  I hope this helps

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