Torque on a driver shaft

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By Mike G

  • 3 Replies
  1. Mike G

    Mike G
    St helens, 0


    I am looking at purchasing a 910 D3 with a projectX-7B3,76g,6.5 tip stiff shaft fitted.

    It belongs to a friend of mine ( a pro ) who got fitted for it and says that he finds it very hard to use as he thinks it is too stiff for his club speed, which is 97. He says that it should suit me as i have a faster club speed, 107.

    I was looking towards the RIP 70 which has the same characteristics in the description as the project X apart from the torque is higher.

    Could someone please explain to me how the higher torque will effect things. I am currently away and as such can't ask him.

    thanks in advance



  2. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    If you look at the torque ratings at, you'll see ratings on each shaft offered and approved for retail.  The measurements on these shafts are independently tested using the same parameters.  We are comparing Apples to Apples.

    Torque is a measurement of how a shaft twists during the golf swing...a little different than measuring engine torque.

    So if all things are equal, a shaft with higher torque twists more than a shaft with lower torque.  A good analogy is that as you swing through impact, the Project X shaft will twist or lag a little more open than the RIP shaft since it has more torque.  Higher torque can help prevent shots that go too far left compared to lower torque if you are Right handed.

    At our Studio, we see flatter swings prefer more torque and upright swings prefer lower torque.  As a general rule, that's where we start with club fitting drivers. 





  3. Mike G

    Mike G
    St helens, 0

    Ri Ryan

    Thanks for the reply.

    that's clear now. I'm going for a fitting Sunday so that will let me know.

    Nice to have the information before though.


  4. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    Very nice!  Don't let me bias you one way or another.  Let the pro fitter work his magic and hopefully you'll develop a long term golf business relationship with him. 

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