T150 gapping

Follow Thread

By Mason R

  • 6 Replies
  1. I have the T150 irons PW through 4 iron. I have ok gapping between my PW and 7 iron of 10 yards each. But between my 7 and 6 irons it is 20 yards then back to 10 yards. Should I add loft to the 6 iron? Is there a different technology in the longer irons which would cause this?

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Have you checked the lofts on the clubs? Sounds like something is out of whack.
  3. I haven’t but will do. Purchased through club champion less than a year ago so I get free loft and lie adjustments.
  4. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Mason R said:

    I haven’t but will do. Purchased through club champion less than a year ago so I get free loft and lie adjustments.

    For sure. If you spent the extra money for a CC fitting take the whole set in and have them go though a gapping session and have them bent to fill proper gaps.
  5. Dave


    I would have the lofts checked to see if they are in spec and then adjust the 6 iron loft for gapping to the 5 and 7 iron.
  6. Guillermo Diaz

    Guillermo Diaz
    Oracle, AZ

    As Brock said, I'd check on the lofts at a shop near you. When I got my T150s, the lofts were actually about a degree off consistently through the set. The lie angles were also off by about half a degree. Not that my meager game would've noticed a difference, but any little bit that helps with confidence out there can make a difference.
  7. AMclucas


    Definitely sounds like you need to tweak the loft of that six iron a little weaker.

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