The switch from TM to Titleist

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By Benjamin C

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  1. Hi all, So I have been a long term fan of Titleist and gamed the stuff for years but I got bored (and divorced) and made a full switch to TM. I am once again bored (still divorced) and am wanting to make the switch back to Titleist. There is nothing wrong with my clubs but I have some weird OCD where everything has to match, so it’s a full bag switch. What started my switch was moving to the Pix ball and the clubs followed. Could I get some advice over what a direct switch would be, prior to going to a fitting? I like to have sold it in my mind prior to testing everything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Qi10 driver UDI Qi10 tour 5 wood 4-Pw P7CB 48 MG4 52 MG4 56 Hi toe 4 TP5x

    I would probably look to drop the 5 wood/UDI for 3 wood/hybrid setup

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