Shaft replacement in iron set

Follow Thread

By MKnowles

  • 5 Replies
  1. I recently bought a new set of 718 AP1 irons (4-P, 43*) with Regular flex. I cannot hit them and wanted to replace the shafts with a steel, stiff flex, 105g, mid kick shaft. Please advise if you can do this and the cost associated with it. Or, possibly help direct my in the best direction. Thank you.

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Sell them and go get fit for some new irons that fit you.
  3. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL


    Brock L said:

    Sell them and go get fit for some new irons that fit you.

    I second that. Do a trade in an get fit outdoors for a new set. No shortcuts for golf equipment.
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Find a repair shop near you, a reputable one and have them put in new shafts. Those are 2018 clubs and are no longer in Titleist inventory and Titleist is not in the golf club repair work. Only on clubs that fall within the scope of warranty repair. Those were great irons, I had a set and have since moved three generations forward with their newer innovations.

    You did not list where you live. If you had one of our members might have jumped in with a recommendation for a local repair shop in your area. This is another good reason for getting properly fitted for a set of irons before purchasing them.

    Best of luck.
  5. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Titleist doesn’t repair/rebuild clubs.

    Figure the cost of $75-100 per club and the resale value for almost new 718 irons. Reshafting won’t increase the resale price. If you paid $400, add 8 clubs at $75 a piece, $600, that’s a $1000 for a set still worth $400.

  6. Scott D

    Scott D

    If you like the club head keep it get fit for new shafts and replace the shafts. Shafts are the engine of a golf club.. if you aren’t totally sold on the club head sell them and get fit for a new set.

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