Grip size

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By Robbie S

  • 9 Replies
  1. Robbie S

    Robbie S
    Louisville, KY

    Last season, I purchased the MB's along with Vokey wedges and got the standard size grip on the clubs, the Titleist Tour Velvet .580.  On the butt end of each grip is the number .580.  I'm not sure what that number means, but it's time to regrip my clubs.  I was thinking about the new Golf Pride VDR grips, but the standard size is only offered in .600.  I'm also considering going with the Golf Pride Tour Velvet standard size and they are offered in .580 and .600.  If I went with the VDR, would I notice a difference with .600?  What do these number mean?

  2. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    .600 is basically a thinner grip than the .580.  So, instead of being .58 wide, it's .600 wide.  So, the VDR would feel thinner assuming you use the same amount of tape. 

  3. Jakes D

    Jakes D
    somerset west, 0

    Robbie, the key to any new grip is that they must build it to the right size for your hand. Changing lofts and lies and shaft are all one part of it. your hands connect to the club. fit the grip you like and let the fitter build it to your correct hand size. before you regrip your full set, make sure the size is right and then fit the same grips to all your clubs. This will be one of the best investmenst you will ever make to your game.
  4. Robbie S

    Robbie S
    Louisville, KY

    Thanks for the responses.  I wear a men's medium grip and I like the size of the grips currently on the clubs.  They are the .580, but I'm still a bit confused about .580 and .600.  Ryan implied .580 was thicker than .600.  Is that correct or did I misinterpret what he said?  I'm likely to go with the Tour Velvet, but why are the VDR only in the .600 size and not the .580?

  5. Sean M

    Sean M
    Edmonton, AB

    Robbie S said:

    Thanks for the responses.  I wear a men's medium grip and I like the size of the grips currently on the clubs.  They are the .580, but I'm still a bit confused about .580 and .600.  Ryan implied .580 was thicker than .600.  Is that correct or did I misinterpret what he said?  I'm likely to go with the Tour Velvet, but why are the VDR only in the .600 size and not the .580?


    Robbie, he is correct, the .580 and .600 refer to the core diameter of the grip not the exterior dimensions. Therefore the .580 grip is thicker once placed on the golf club.

  6. JPHB

    Brooklyn, NY

    Hey Robbie,


    The Golf Pride VDR is offered in both sizes - check out their website -


    I have the VDR grips and they're awesome.



  7. Dan W

    Dan W
    Franklin, MA

    Are Golf Pride VDR Grips going to be a 2012 Titleist option?
  8. Ok, this how I see it... I use 4 wraps of tape under .580 tour velvet which is equal to 5 wraps (.580 adds one wrap due to smaller size) thus if went to a gripnthat is .600 I would heed 5 wraps of tape. Other than that, the feel is different IMHO
  9. Rick James

    Rick James
    chicago, IL

    You can ask the repair person to measure your hand size also. .580 grip on a standard .600 butt shaft will equal to a .620 grip size. .600 grip on a standard .600 butt shaft will equal to a .600 grip size. 1 build up wrap equal an extra .010 on the grip size. all of this is technical and you should go by what you like your grips to feel like on your clubs. My hand measurement says I should have .620 grip size but I dont like how that feels and play with .600 grips. Hope that helped.
  10. Rick James

    Rick James
    chicago, IL

    correction: the final grip size should be .9xx not .6xx

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