Re-shaft Titleist ZB DG S200 to Project X 4.0 HL or DG SL S300 ?

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By Natawee T

  • 1 Reply
  1. Natawee T

    Natawee T
    สมุทรปราการ, 0

    I just get Titleist ZB 3-PW (DG S200) but I'm feel that the weight is too heavy for me. Then could you please advise which shaft

    is more suite for me between DG SL S300 and Project X 4.0HL?

    My 7 iron distance is around 150-155 (With DG S200)

    Driver Head Speed around 95 Mph.


    PS: Previously I've used miz MP 32 with NS Pro 950.

  2. steve b

    steve b
    edmond, OK

    Anytime "feel" is involved that is entirely up to the player - an expert club fitter or instructor cannot make a feel decision for the player -- that all rests with the player, So when you say "  Feel that the weight is too heavy for me"  that is your final decision.
       But from a fitting stand  point here is what I would offer......ZB with a DG shaft is very much leaning towards a strong, low handicap type player....  I'm a bit confused - your 7 iron distance is 150 and your driver club head speed is 95 -- that does not match up. Since club head speed is easier for you to know I will go with that for my reasoning.  ( Only knowing club head speed is just one part of a shaft decision )  I would like to see how you transition from the top and your tempo.  So here is my answer with the limited information....  I would stay with something fairly light weight and flexible.  The NS Pro you mentioned might be a good one for you. In a regular flex.    How did you like it in the Mizuno?  The PX 4.0 might be good.
      The "heavy feel" you are getting could be from playing with a blade such as ZB and a bit too heavy of shaft.  Get your ego out of the way and be open to trying a softer, lighter weight shaft such as I mentioned.. At the end of the day the head will affect the ball flight more than the shaft issue here. Find one that feels correct to you and then have a trained fitter observe your ball flight and help with your final decision based on ball flight.

    Steve Ball  (
    PGA Master Professional
    Co-founder Titleist CF

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