Lowest launch and spin stock shaft for 910 D3?

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By Q

  • 5 Replies
  1. Q

    Atlanta, GA

    I got fitted for a 8.5* D3 adjusted to -.75* loft and Titleist ahina 73 X, but my launch and spin were still a tad high. They didn't have a Project X 6.5 available, and the guy said the Aldila RIP would spin more. Of the shafts without an up charge, is the Project X 70g 6.5 going to be the lowest launch and spin option?
  2. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    I would try the same Titleist Ahina, but tip it one inch. Perhaps the 82 gram Ahina as well. That would save a significant amount of money for you.
  3. Q

    Atlanta, GA

    I haven't ordered the driver yet so any of the non up charge shafts will be the same cost. Would you still recommend getting a tipped ahina over the Project X?
  4. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    I do!

  5. Q

    Atlanta, GA

    Ryan Crysler said:

    I do!

    Is your recommended 1" tip over the 1/2" standard tipping in 910 heads or 1" total? On a related question, how many rpms would 1/2" or 1" tipping reduce?
  6. John L

    John L
    Dewey, OK

    If you want to get rid of your ahina 73 let me know.

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