Dynamic Gold X-100 vs. KBS Tour X for AP2

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By Tim T

  • 2 Replies
  1. Tim  T

    Tim T
    Pella, IA

    Looking at the specs these shafts seem very similar so is the KBS worth the upgrade?  Does anyone have experience with both to compare/contrast?

    Thanks in advance for the insight.

  2. I have tried both shafts with the AP2 irons and, in my experience the difference is that the KBS Tour provides a lot higher and a little longer trajectory although with less control, not significantly but enough for me to choose the Dinamic Gold over the KBS. This is probably due to the lower flex point of the KBS. Hope to have helped you a bit.
  3. I'm playing the KBS Tour shafts X-Stiff soft stepped 1 time.  The numbers for me were pretty much the same between this KBS shaft and the Dynamic Gold Stiff.  However, I really enjoy the feel of the KBS much more.  My dispersion was pretty much the same for either shaft but the KBS shaft just felt better and had more reposnsive positive feedback. Oh, and I was about 5 yards longer with the KBS - not that that matters much in the end.

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