What is the true difference between a Pro V1 and Pro V1 Practice

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By Anthony O

  • 17 Replies
  1. Anthony O

    Anthony O
    Daphne, AL

    Please explain the difference between these two balls. I have used both and I cannot tell the differenc as both appear to have identical flight towards the green and respond around the green. With the price of the practice I do not get that upset when one hits the water!
  2. Greg E

    Greg E
    Lakeland, FL

    Really a question for the folks at Team Titliest but many times the only difference is cosmetic.  Maybe a paint or printing flaw that doesn't pass inspection.

  3. Brent W

    Brent W
    St George, UT

    One say's "practice" and the other one does not.


    There is no difference. It is just like putting a logo on your ball.

  4. Team Titleist Staff

    Anthony O said:

    Please explain the difference between these two balls. I have used both and I cannot tell the differenc as both appear to have identical flight towards the green and respond around the green. With the price of the practice I do not get that upset when one hits the water!

    Hi Anthony,

    Great question. Pro V1 Practice golf balls are conforming products that differ only due to a cosmetic blemish such as paint, ink or registration of stamping. Pro V1 Practice golf balls do not have any construction or performance deficiencies.

    I hope this helps.

    - Mike 

  5. Praise the Lord!

  6. Carlo Angelo

    Carlo Angelo
    Rancho Cucamonga, CA

    I guess the next question would be is regarding the legality of the "practice"... is it legal for tournament play (amateurs)? minor tournaments such as outings and league nights?

    how about when one scores a hole-in-one using a ProV1 practice??? and using it for rounds for handicapping??? just wondering...

  7. Team Titleist Staff

    Carlo Angelo I said:

    I guess the next question would be is regarding the legality of the "practice"... is it legal for tournament play (amateurs)? minor tournaments such as outings and league nights?

    how about when one scores a hole-in-one using a ProV1 practice??? and using it for rounds for handicapping??? just wondering...

    Hi Carlo,

    Here is the USGA's official ruling on the subject: 

    Q. What is the status of "X-out," "refurbished" and "practice" balls?

    A. "X-out" is the common name used for a golf ball that a manufacturer considers to be imperfect (usually for aesthetic reasons only, e.g., paint or printing errors) and, therefore, has crossed out the brand name. A "refurbished" golf ball is a second-hand ball that has been cleaned and stamped as "refurbished."

    In the absence of strong evidence to suggest that an "X-out" or "refurbished" ball does not conform to the Rules, it is permissible for such a ball to be used. However, in a competition where the Committee has adopted the condition that the ball the player plays must be named on the List of Conforming Golf Balls (see Note to Rule 5-1), such a ball may not be used, even if the ball in question (without the X's or without the "refurbished" stamp) does appear on the List.

    In most cases, "practice" balls are simply listed, conforming golf balls that have been stamped "Practice," in the same way that golf balls often feature a club or company logo. Such balls may be used even where the Committee has adopted the condition that the ball the player plays must be named on the List of Conforming Golf Balls.


  8. Carlo Angelo

    Carlo Angelo
    Rancho Cucamonga, CA

    Thanks for the info Mike... Anyway, I've basically committed myself on using brand new ProV1x's from now on. One less thing to worry about rules. And sometimes, it is embarrassing to use balls with x-outs stamped on them... hehe 

  9. Domenico E

    Domenico E
    Mayfield Village, OH

     If this is case, wouldn't it be smarter for everyone just to buy the Practices? BTW are practice balls the same as X Outs

  10. This is a great conversation, practice balls are same as X-outs if I understand the thread correctly. I remember using xouts when I was young in my shag bag for practice with the old balata balls! What a long way we have come! I typically just stick to new product these days and after using a ball a few times it gets moved to the shag bag now. I use pro v1x's and they are very durable and seemingly consistent. I feel if your going to be a competitive player you should only play top of the line equipment/balls and leave nothing to chance. Also, a lot of the game is between the ears and on the tee I could envision a player worrying slightly after only playing practice balls about losing full priced balls due to errand shots around hazards at a course....
  11. Team Titleist Staff

    Chris92009 said:

    This is a great conversation, practice balls are same as X-outs if I understand the thread correctly. I remember using xouts when I was young in my shag bag for practice with the old balata balls! What a long way we have come! I typically just stick to new product these days and after using a ball a few times it gets moved to the shag bag now. I use pro v1x's and they are very durable and seemingly consistent. I feel if your going to be a competitive player you should only play top of the line equipment/balls and leave nothing to chance. Also, a lot of the game is between the ears and on the tee I could envision a player worrying slightly after only playing practice balls about losing full priced balls due to errand shots around hazards at a course....

    Hi guys,

    Just to clarify a little on this topic. As you can imagine, we invest significant time and effort to ensure that our products are Best-in-Class in terms of quality, performance and consistency. As such, in the rare event one of our products fails to meet USGA requirements for size, weight, velocity or any other conformance criteria we destroy rather than market such products.

    To that end, only products that are of a minimal defect are available for purchase. These products are available in two offerings:

    1. Pro V1 Practice golf balls are conforming products that differ only due to a cosmetic blemish such as paint, ink or registration of stamping. Pro V1 Practice golf balls do not have any construction or performance deficiencies.

    2. Pro V1 X-Out golf balls are also conforming products. However, they usually have a cosmetic blemish and/or occasionally have a minor physical defect that should not significantly affect its performance. More often than not, the physical condition causing the ball to be stamped as an X-Out is so minute that it is not recognizable by the player.

    One thing to keep in mind, both products may be used in the casual round of golf including those with scores posted for handicaps, and most competitions, with the possible exception of high level competitions invoking the Local Rule requiring balls to be on the List of Conforming Golf Balls. Please refer to the USGA Official Rules here: http://www.usga.org/Rule-Books/Rules-of-Golf/Decision-05/#5-1/3

    As a result of the potential for an X-Out to be non-conforming if tested, we do not recommend using this model during tournament play. 

  12. Larry S

    Larry S
    Washington, DC

    Do they sell Pro V1X practice golf balls?

  13. Sean L

    Sean L
    Newnan, GA

    Yes, they sell both, ProV1 and ProV1x practice.


    When you buy a dozen, they normally do 2 sleeves of ProV1, and 2 sleeves of ProV1x. I'm lucky enough that my store lets me swap out two sleeves and get all 4 sleeves of the same ball.. Must be another guy that likes the ProV1x Practice only in his dozen!


    I play the new ones during the spring and summer. I play the practice in the fall when I can lose them in the rough and leaves.

  14. Can you confirm if this is still the case with ProV1s? Thanks
  15. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Pete M said:

    Can you confirm if this is still the case with ProV1s? Thanks

    Yes, as Mike D said 14 years ago, the “practice” balls are just minor exterior flaws and perform to the same standards as the full retail versions. Mike has moved up to other responsibilities at Titleist so he might or might not respond.
  16. this is a great thread even 9 years later, trying to save for something pretty big that rimes with bedding ding and just cant spend 50 a dozen on normal prov1x like i used to. ill make the move to the practice balls and try to report back.
  17. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Josh L said:

    this is a great thread even 9 years later, trying to save for something pretty big that rimes with bedding ding and just cant spend 50 a dozen on normal prov1x like i used to. ill make the move to the practice balls and try to report back.

    Run Josh, Run! If she won't let you buy ProV1's now, just wait until you need new clubs or want to take that trip to the Team Titleist Invitational.... Just kidding buddy. Congrats on your future plans and hopefully good life/golf balance for years to come.
  18. This is a question for Mike D. This thread is about the ProV1 and ProV1x, and my question is what do you do with other versions that have blemishes, such as DT Tru Soft or Velocity? Are they sold somewhere?

    Mark F

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