September 25, 2014 At 11:16 AM By Carl T
Carl TLittle Rock, AR
September 25, 2014 At 11:16 AM
A question for the Titleist staff. Do all of the Titleist golf balls have the same dimple pattern or does each brand have it's own unique pattern ?
CoolbreezeSudbury, MA
I am a tedious dimple counter and study the patterns. I play the Pro V1 and recently was able to test both black and red numbered test balls. Before I look at the ball and could deduce it was a Pro V of some sort then I went on and printed out the dimple patterns for each ball to confirm which potential ball it would be.
The test was blind but not blind at the same time. I imagine that Titleist wouldn't want us testers to have any preconceived notions about the ball that would sway our testing opinions.
I've tested it and I know it is a great ball and sure it will come to market. I've put these test balls into play permanently! Check out the extensive work I went through with the test balls.
What are your thoughts on the ball you tested?
October 10, 2014 At 08:33 PM
CB, looks like you did your homework. My last test balls was a sleeve of balls with a black square and a sleeve of balls with black circles. My thoughts that both ball were very similar but the balls with the black square flew longer and straighter and the spin performance on the green were about the same. The black square ball out performed any ball I have played and would not hesitate buying this ball if it ever comes to market. Of course we will never know what it was regardless of dimple pattern. When you studied the dimple patterns were the Velocity, DT Solo, NXT, NXT Tour, ProV1 and ProV1x all the same are does each one have their own unique pattern ?
I would need a little bit of time to look at the ball to decipher which ball you are potentially testing. I have never received test balls with black squares or circles (though would be cool). I've only lucky enough and privy to red and black numbered test balls. Initially I do not even play with the test balls. I would take the test balls and compare visuals and sound with my current ball. I would even do blind testing where I would put them in a black bag and draw them out individually at random and test sound and off the putter at home then try to guess which ball is which. After, I would take them greenside and do my chipping, pitching, long and short putting, flop shots, hybid or fairway chips out of the fringe and rough, even blading the ball from the round. Beyond that I would take a few of each ball and test them off the tee and compare. Finally, I would play and take note of them in real golf situations.
As far as dimples, all Titleist balls have their unique identifiable dimple pattern.
You can see that they have different dimple patterns, but also the core and cover technologies are unique as well. The exception is the NXT line; the difference is in the core technology. All this info can be found on Below is an illustration I put together from the Titleist website.
Have fun with the ball testing and let me know if you have any other thoughts! #Titleist !
October 16, 2014 At 11:36 AM
Good job CB. Your dimple diagram is great. I wish I still had an example of my test balls to compare but they are swimming with the fishes.
Thanks Carl! I'm glad you found it useful and helpful. Don't you worry as I'm sure you have noticed, but #Titleist has released a new line of Pro V1 and Pro V1X to the Touring Pros in Las Vegas, which can only mean that they're coming to market soon! I can't wait to get my hands on them and compare then play lights out!!!
Chuck ZMt Pleasant, SC
The balls I tested did not have any special markings on them, but appeared to be Prov1s, which I normally play. Not that much difference. Like the spin around the greens. They normally don't change that much when they bring a new line in the Provs....believe last time it was the cover.......more durable.......
Sheerwood SEagles Mere, PA
marc p
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