January 12, 2016 At 08:03 AM By Gabriel G
Gabriel GCedar Park, TX
I noticed Golf Pros mark their ball when they open a sleeve during the tournament. In other words do not mark until the very last minute. I mark my balls before I head out to play, back at the house. Is that wrong?
MMHarmon32St Louis, MO
No, you are good. Most of us DO mark our golf balls at home, either right after we buy them, or when loading our bags up for a round.
The pros get boxes of new golf balls left in their locker every day by their reps, and mark them at the beginning of their rounds.
tdogg21Chambersburg, PA
I usually wait to mark mine when I pull it out to play. Not for any real thought out reason. I just don't usually take the time to mark them before I leave home. And since it doesn't slow down my day on the course, I haven't felt the need to change.
NickxpIndianapolis, IN
I pre-mark 4 dozen at start of the season. Dozen Prov/Provx 10's and dozen each of 25's. Then usually Mark one on the putting green before each round. Why 10's and 25's. My anniversary of coarse.
william mHolywell, Flintshire
January 12, 2016 At 02:27 PM
Kirk EMurfreesboro, TN
I do the same thing. No particular reason, just before I put the ball in play is when I mark it.
Christian WCincinnati, OH
Dave NDade City, FL
Paul PRochester, NY
CoolbreezeSudbury, MA
SD_GolferAberdeen, SD
Jonathan KAdvance, NC
Doug EUrbana, MD
Davis LLafayette, CO
Richard SBrighton, MA
Michael MClinton Twp, MI
PBOY05Bluffton, SC
Shawn CFolsom, CA
C$Blaine, WA
William C
Ken B
Dave HConvoy, OH
Chris SWoodstock, VT
john cNashville, Tn
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