Tour Soft - Trufeel

Follow Thread

By DRawlinson

  • 6 Replies
  1. Hi - I play with the Tour Soft ball - is the Trufeel replacing this ball?

    I’m keen to try the new ballout as I mark my ball up and would appreciate it being premarked and straight

    Are the Trufeel available in stores yet?


  2. larry m

    larry m
    columbiana, OH

    I highly doubt it.
  3. The Tru Feel is not the replacement for the Tour Soft. It replaced the DT Tru Soft. They should be in stores now. The Golf Galaxy near me has them for $23 per doz..

    Mark F
  4. White and Yellow available for about 2 months here in North Texas. Red to be released later this month.
  5. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Based on sales that cropped up on internet sites today, looks like Titleist will be announcing replacements for the Tour Soft, Velocity, and AVX next week at the PGA Merchandise Show. Price drops generally precede new releases. The TruFeel has its own release date, and the Pro's aren't due until next year.
  6. Military
    Does the New 2020 Tour Soft have a different cover?
  7. Red has been released at and available at some Academy Sports locations.
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