Loyalty Rewarded Announced

Follow Thread

By Frank P

  • 6 Replies
  1. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL


    Got an email from my club yesterday announcing that the 4 for 3 Loyalty promotion will commence on March 17th.

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Great news. Guess everyone can get ready with their orders. No more anxiety. Mark it on your calendars.
  3. Les M

    Les M

    Excellent! Thanks Titleist!
  4. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    Still have 4 dozen left over from last year, but cannot wait to try out the new ball!
  5. Look forward to this every year!
  6. As an engineer I realy dig the way that titlest test the products physically and scientifically to get the best resaults I have just started back after a break from golf doing the titlest thing slowly changing my clubs over to titlest brought some s200 blades and shafts and a 56 wedge already done a pin shot from 80M bounced in the cup and out again my accuracy has sharpened up a lot and when I hit a prov1x of the club blade most of my shots feels smooth like no jaring or vibration like I haven't hit a ball and the distance is further ....amature point of view... for me it is ioning out the verables of chainge ie me lol cheers ......
  7. Perfect. Thanks guys. This is always a sign that our season is about to get rolling. Hoo Rah!

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