AP2 712 with KBS Tour

Follow Thread

By Ross G

  • 4 Replies
  1. Two questions:

    Can i order direct from titleist?

    And If I order Custom 712 AP2 with KBS Tour Stiff (either direct from titleist or through another company that would order from titleist) would the KBS Tour Stiff be the Tapered model or the Parallel model. KBS sells both. 



  2. Ken W

    Ken W
    Baltimore, MD

    You can place your order with any Titleist authorized account holder. They do not take orders directly via phone, internet etc. Secondly, the KBS shaft they install will be a tapered .355 model since AP2 heads are made to accept that diameter. That will certainly be a nice set of irons.
  3. Thanks! Know one seemed to know for sure

  4. I have these just a fab set of irons kbs tour stiff works a treat in them got the black nickel in my vokes look great &play well
  5. Tim Tiger

    Tim Tiger
    Tucson, AZ

    I have the tapered model in my AP2's.  They are an awesome shaft.  

    I would like to try out the KBS C-Tapers to see how they would affect ball flight.

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