Lofts on AP1 716

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By Fred W

  • 5 Replies
  1. Fred W

    Fred W
    Wasa, BC

    I presently have a 46, 50 and 54 degree (Vokey) wedges that I want to keep but I'm ready for new irons. The new AP1 iron PW is 43 degrees but I'm told by a shop that the new irons play longer so it should be the same as a 41 or 42 degree club. I'm concerned about the distance gap between my clubs. Does this sound correct.

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    All the new AP1 irons are longer than the 714s.....

    LOFT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P W W2
    716 AP1 - 19° 22° 25° 28° 31° 35° 39° 43° 47° 52°

      714                           20   23    26    29    32    36   40    44   48    52

      712                           20   23    26    29    33    37    41   45    50

    The new irons may play longer but you can look at the how the lofts have changed over the past few years.  Not that much variation since the 712s.  If that is true you can always take your wedges to a fitter and have him look at your wedges and have him change the lofts if it that much of a concern.   Is one degree going to make that much of a difference?  Or if you custom order the 716s, have them set the lofts back to 714 lofts.      

  3. Mike M

    Mike M
    Roanoke, VA

    I was recently fit for the 716's.  They are no longer than my current setup.  I had mine adjusted to:

    PW 43 to a 44

    W1 47 to a 49

    Vokey 54 & 58.

    I felt the 43 would be too long for me plus I could better gap my wedges.

  4. Kyle K

    Kyle K
    Lockport, NY

    I will never understand a 43* pitching wedge.  That's a 9 iron

  5. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    We still have the 14 club limit, and with both changes in loft and improved technology, a fitting is becoming more essential to decide which to purchase and what wedges to carry/replace. For myself for my 914 AP1s, I ended up with new wedges (SM5) to match my distances. The 8I was increased 1 degree, the 9I 2 degrees, and the 48/52/56 were all delofted 1 degree to fill the gap in distances.
  6. Fred W

    Fred W
    Wasa, BC

    I just had a chance to play a Trial bag of 714 AP2's. I thought they might be too much of a player's club for my game but they felt and performed great. One of my best rounds this year. The lofts fit in really good with my Vokey wedges so my plan is to book a fitting session later this year and look at the 716 AP2. Look's like I can only get one more round in this year before cold weather shuts all the courses down. Thanks for all the replies.

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