AP1 716 Forged?

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By Terry

  • 23 Replies
  1. Terry

    Andrews, TX

    I was in a golf equipment store this week and a sales person stated that Titleist can offer the 716 AP1's in forged. Does anyone know if this is correct or not? Thanks,
  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Definitely not in the North American market.
  3. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    Hi Terry: I don't think so, but if it is possible, that would be a very cool thing !!
  4. I know that in Japan there is a 714 ap1 forged model. If you search "ap1 forged" on Google, it shows up as a non u.s market they are listed on. I don't know a way you could get a hold of them. He may have been referring to ap2's, but most likely ap1 forged.
  5. Speedy

    East Coast, NH

    WHOA!  I don't think that's correct BUT leave it to the Titleist folks to respond (hopefully they will) b/c i'm curious on this as well. 

  6. philip b

    philip b
    Troy, NY

    I thought that only the AP 2's whether the 714 's or the new 716's come forged ...........Philip B

  7. They are in Japan. Don't know how you could get ahold of them though. Search titleist.co.kr and it will be in Japanese but it has information.
  8. MMHarmon32

    St Louis, MO


    The AP1s are a cast club, -not- forged.  

    Your salesperson either misspoke, or was misinformed. 

  9. Steve M

    Steve M
    Hatboro, PA

    not correct. Steve
  10. philip b

    philip b
    Troy, NY

    Terry I have never heard of that being the case.I could be wrong but I think that only the AP2's are made with forging ,and of course the other Titleist blades as well................Philip B

  11. Kameron

    Rancho Cucamonga, CA

    Based on history on the AP 1 I wold assume that they are cast. Also if you look at the head itself it does not say forged as the AP 2 does. (This is located on the back end across from AP 2.)
  12. Michael D

    Michael D
    Mt Gambier,

    Hi Terry im pretty sure its only the AP2 in the AP range that is forged

  13. Stephen B

    Stephen B
    Derby, NY

    They AP1 forged is a iron that sits between the game improvement AP1 we know and the AP2. It has been available in the Korean market for years. There was updated 716 AP1 forged version on the USGA conforming clubs list when all the 716 irons hit the showed on the same list of conforming clubs. It has a similar sole width with more offset I believe. I do not know where the lofts sit. Here is a picture from Titleist's Korean website.

  14. Terry

    Andrews, TX

    Thanks for everyone's response. I agree, I've never heard of a case where the AP1's were ever available as forged, but thought this may have changed on the 716's as a special order. It would be nice if a Titleist rep would put this to bed.
  15. Cath D.

    Cath D.
    Carlsbad, CA

    Hi Terry,  We offer the AP1 forged iron in Korea and have for several years.  It was created specifically for that market and is not available to order in the US,

  16. Terry

    Andrews, TX

    Thank you Cathi for your comments. It is interesting to know the AP1 forged irons are available in Korea. Shame they are not available in the US. Thanks again for responding.
  17. Cath D.

    Cath D.
    Carlsbad, CA

    Sometimes a region of the world prefers different specs and looks and the AP1 forged set was created for that market.  We are certainly letting our US design team know of all the interest :)

  18. Military

    With the introduction of the Made Only to Order (MOTO) program, is there any chance these will be added as a MOTO choice in the future?  Would love to purchase a set.


  19. Cath D.

    Cath D.
    Carlsbad, CA

    Hi Jerry,  At this time, it is not in the plans. 

  20. jaibum k

    jaibum k
    houston, TX

    hi cathi,

    do you know the specs for 714 AP1 forged irons? is it the same as 716 AP1 forged? looking for loft/lie/length info
  21. Dallas T

    Dallas T
    Turner Valley, Alberta

    Interested in a MOTO forged AP1 4 iron.
  22. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Dallas T said:

    Interested in a MOTO forged AP1 4 iron.

    Note this thread dates back to 2014. MOTO irons is not a current program. The AP1 line (714-716-718) is no longer available in the US. The AP1 irons were never offered as forged in the US market.

    The 714 AP1 iron specs can be found online -
    and the lofts did get stronger with the AP1 716 irons.
  23. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Don, Dallas asked this in 2016. He might not be watching this thread anymore.
  24. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Dale V said:

    Don, Dallas asked this in 2016. He might not be watching this thread anymore.

    Tacked to the wrong reply. The one above it asked cathi for clarification and it was from 5 Oct 2020. For jaibum's benefit, I included the 714 specs (NLA in the previous clubs) to compare to the 716 specs which are.

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