913-D2 915-D3 vs 917?

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By Golfgeek77

  • 4 Replies
  1. Golfgeek77

    Midwest USA

    Picked up the 915 D2 driver in the spring i've always play Titleist drivers when I purchased a 913 I've noticed I was getting a lot of overspin which was making my draw into a Hook so immediately went to 915 I was in line to purchase it probably one of the best Titleist drivers I've ever had added about 20 yards to my drive and I'm hitting 90% of the fairways. Until now have not hit the 917 yet but I'm a little skeptical of the weight transformation slot in back Of the club I've seen some pictures and some videos I guess I won't know until I hit it unfortunately it'll be snowing in Ohio when it's released. Titleist has always been good to my game. Like to hear some feedback if you're willing to make the switch

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  2. The adjustable CG works wonders. It's a fine tune for the swing. Basically you would go get fitted for the driver and the fitter would place the weight for you and you wouldn't want to touch it. cally has this in the Big Bertha Alpha 816 Double Diamond. I hit one of those on the simulator a few times with the weight position I was fitted for and a few times with it in a different location. The difference was night and day. Believe in the tech Titleist is about to release because it'll work wonders when adjusted properly
  3. Golfgeek77

    Midwest USA

    I've hit the calla 816 alpha and thought the weight only change just center of gravity for trajectory. I guess I'll go in as soon as it goes on sale and hit it in the simulator. just don't know if I'm going to part with my 915D2
  4. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    You answered my question. I skipped the 915, waiting for the 917. Looking forward to it.
  5. William M

    William M
    Kansas City, MO

    Spoke with a Titleist staff player last week and he said the 917 is a big improvement over the 915. Of course, like me he loves his Titleist equipment. Historically I've been one cycle behind when purchasing a driver. My first Titleist driver was the 905T. I currently play the 915 D2. It's always fun to see how the new technology plays.

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