New 27 degree 816 Hybrid

Follow Thread

By Greg L

  • 2 Replies
  1. Greg L

    Greg L
    Dallas Tx

    Just added a new 27 degree 816 Hybrid to my bag, Can't wait to hit it tomorrow!

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  2. Doug F

    Doug F
    St.Petersburg, FL

    What iron did you replace it with in your bag ? What distance are you expecting from the 27 degree hybrid ? Shaft ? I enjoy hitting the 816 H1 Clubs. I have the 19, 21, 25
  3. Greg L

    Greg L
    Dallas Tx

    I haven't replaced any club yet, as I now have 14 clubs in my bag. I have a 23 degree 816H1 and 5i AP1 716, so depending on how well I hit the 27, I may end up taking the 5i out. I began playing golf at the end of last summer, and am definitely not a long ball hitter at this point. I hit my 23 about 180yds WHEN I hit it well, and hope to hit my 27 165 - 170yds. In retrospect, I probably would have gotten 21 and 25 degree 816s instead of the 23 and 27. At this point in my game, I'm not sue it would make a significant difference, but hopefully, will in the future as my swing and consistency improve.

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