Scratches on crown of my 915D2... Need Help

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By lkmnry

  • 15 Replies
  1. lkmnry

    Columbia, MO

    I had a knit headcover on my driver last season, and an alignment rod with no cap on it. I didn't think much of it until one day when i pulled off the headcover and the top of my driver head had a number of long scratches across it. Just wondering if you guys have any good ways to take care of these scratches? They're not very deep, and not too noticeable to most people, but they really bug me at address, which isn't very good.

  2. Maybe post some pictures for us to see what your working with?
  3. lkmnry

    Columbia, MO

    I'll post a pic tonight if I can. Driver getting regripped by my buddy right now
  4. Post some pictures so that we can see what you are working with
  5. I have used a dark sharpie however this is a temporary fix at best.
  6. Todd S

    Todd S
    Beavercreek, OH

    If there light you might be able to buff them out with some rubbing compound or even just some scratch x from the automotive store.
  7. FJL

    Kitchener, ON

    I use this product from McGuiars, it fills in scratches and marks, lasts for a long time as well. They have it in white for light color paint and black for darker colors...... see link attached......
  8. lkmnry

    Columbia, MO

    FJL said:

    I use this product from McGuiars, it fills in scratches and marks, lasts for a long time as well. They have it in white for light color paint and black for darker colors...... see link attached......

    I'll have to check this out, thanks!
  9. Benjamin D

    Benjamin D
    Rockwall, TX

    FJL said:

    I use this product from McGuiars, it fills in scratches and marks, lasts for a long time as well. They have it in white for light color paint and black for darker colors...... see link attached......

    This! Any of the products you use on your car (compound / polish) to remove scratches in car paint will help with your golf clubs.
  10. FJL

    Kitchener, ON

    Ya, really works well and even better with a buffing machine as that'll work it in well and pretty much remove the scratch if it's shallow. Let us know!
  11. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    I bought some touch up paint through a Golf Paint, Inc. to repair a club several years ago. The scratch was deep and the match was perfect.
    The finishing process is similar to repairing auto paint. If scratches are light, you may be able to buff it by hand with an auto paint product. Scratch doctor or a polishing compound might fix it. Follow up with a coat of clear coat and/or wax, and it will look almost new.
  12. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I used some yacht wax on mine and it smoothed it out but you can still see the scratches. Does not effect the performance of the driver, so not a problem with me. Dumb me, stepped on the toe of the driver with my golf shoes while at the TT Invitational at Pinehurst last fall. I'm a nut, knock, knock........
  13. yeah, i would try to use a compound then a wax.
  14. Manny A

    Manny A
    Staten Island, NY

    I use a black sharpie. Trying to fill it, sand it paint it takes too much time
  15. Trey N

    Trey N
    Birmingham, AL

    I've used toothpaste in the past to remove nicks on driver head.
  16. I use this
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