August 06, 2017 At 07:32 AM By Michael P
Michael Pmurfreesboro, TN
If I custom order AP1 irons stronger lofts, will the bounce remain the same?
Jeff K
Bomber3Lake St Louis, MO
Don OMadison, WI
19holeReading, MA
Steve RWashington Crossing, PA
Cath D.Carlsbad, CA
August 06, 2017 At 07:32 AM
Hi Michael, If you move the lofts stronger, the lie will remain the same, but the bounce will decrease because you are moving the leading edge of the club closer to the ground (assuming it is horizontal). If your loft is 56° and you strengthen it to 55°, you will remove approximately 1° of bounce, so if your club was a 56.10, and you strengthen it by one degree to 55°, you will have a 55.09.
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