1st Gen T200 vs. T150s

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By CMildrum

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  • 4 Replies
  1. Been playing the 1st Gen T200s for some time now, but wondering if an upgrade is warranted? Hover around a 3.5/4.5 handicap, down from 10 when I bought the T200s. How much less forgiving are the new T150s compared to T200s. T150s look good as heck, confidence inspiring....

  2. fred k

    fred k
    falls church, VA

    I just saw the T150's at PGA Tour Superstore this morning. Man are they sexy!!!

    I also want to transition from the first gen T200 to the T150 (once I get my ball striking more consistent). The only hesitation I have is that the lofts get weaker on the T150 from the 7 iron down to PW compared to the old and new T200. I'm sure going from a 30* to 32* 7 iron won't make much difference for me, but it could make for interesting gapping.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Oh, dear. Here it comes. ….Get fit….

    Without knowing your launch and spin conditions, my guess would be as good as yours. The new 200 is a little like a more forgiving 150 with less loss of ball speed and spin across the space. The fitters are watching for 5 mph increases in ball speed from club to club. They will make recommendations to consider when to start to mix in different irons, utility irons, or hybrids to maintain the ball speed increments and descent angle.
    Most of us mere mortals generally hit a point where the next iron comes out flatter and less than enough separation that needed. That’s the secret sauce I found in this year’s Titleist sponsored fittings. It didn’t start and stop with getting the 7 iron right.
  4. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    I have not hit either, as I am wrapped up in my CNCPT-03 project right now, but I would set up a fitting with your local Titleist rep and see if it is worth it. I got fitted for the Concepts and they fit me with Steelfibers which I had never considered before the fitting.
  5. Military
    I’m similar to you… started as a 10 HCPer and had a blended set of T200/T100S…however, for me the T200s were absolutely terrible…between the horrible loud click and lack of feel, to the turf interaction, I stopped playing them and went to a blended set of miz MP 221/223s which I love….got fitted for the new T series and ordered a blended set of T200 (4-6) and T150 (7-GW)…the T150s are a tad bigger than the previous T100S and are great. How forgiving is subjective as everyone’s misses are different. Mine are high/low on the face and I don’t see much of a loss in distance. The new T200s are worlds better than the previous gen in every way…looks, sound, feel, and performance. There is still a slight click on impact, but nothing like the 2021 version.

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