March 18, 2011 At 11:33 PM By Frankie G
Frankie Gsacramento, CA
ive seen pictures of tour scotty's that have really deep milled this a tour only option? and if i were to go to a pga tour event would i b able to purchase a tour putter?
Ben M0, 0
Unfortunately, deep milled faces are for tour use only (FTUO). I don't think that you can buy a tour putter at a PGA tour event, and even if you could it would be extremely pricey.
Steve BCenterville, IN
Hi Frankie,
I am sure if you know the right connection, you could possibly order one but be ready to shell out some serious money for it. I know there are a few distributors you can contact and order a tour putter. I don't think you will be able to buy one from a tour event though. I think those are out for the pro's only. I recommend Art of Putters if you want to order one. I bought my 009 from there and you will not find a nicer company to work with. Rand is top notch and will go the extra mile to get you what you want.
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