910 D3 LEFTY

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  • 4 Replies
  1. DAVID A

    port washington, NY

    does anyone know where a lefty can demo/hit a lefty 910D3 in the Long Island, NY area?

  2. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    Looks like the online directory is down right now, but if you call 1-888-Titleist...someone will be able to direct you!  Advanced fitters will have what you are looking for.


  3. Stephen B

    Stephen B
    Derby, NY

    I wanted to get fit for a 910D3 and called around. I live in the Buffalo, N.Y. area. Nobody had a LH D3 or LH FD. I fit my self to a 910D3 at 8.5° based on my numbers from a D2. Having luck with a 909D3 I kinda knew what to expect. Launches well with less spin. In 42° weather this past sunday I hit it 290 carry with a PX 7B3 (6.5). Pin high on a downhill par 4. All carry. The only reason why I mention this is that my numbers on a launch monitor are always dismal and I used my own judgement based on my experiences. At the end of the day I would say that in my opinion the D3 is the best feeling driver I have ever swung. My only advice to you would be to wait until after you played a few rounds and make sure your striking the ball well. Hopefully you find a D3 to hit and good luck.

  4. DAVID A

    port washington, NY

    thanks ryan

  5. DAVID A

    port washington, NY

     thanks for the 1888- titleist tip...they were able to help and i have a fitting at a nearby golf store that is an advanced fitting studio- thank you.

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