First round with new T350s

Follow Thread

By Hitn18

  • 2 Replies
  1. Hitn18

    Little River, SC


    Played my first round with my new T350 irons yesterday and had one of the best ball striking days in a few years, hopefully it’s not just a honeymoon. The feel and accuracy of the clubs was incredible and the distance considering the temperature was fantastic. Definitely made a great choice going back to Titleist irons from miz JPX irons!!!! Have not had a chance to play my new GT2 driver and 3 wood yet (just got here late yesterday) but hopefully I will have the same result as what I had with the irons

    Cheers, Jeff

  2. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    Jeff how did it go with the driver and 3 wood love my T350's also. I have the GT3 3 wood and really like it and the TSr1 driver love it let us know how it went.
  3. M L

    M L

    May I ask what shaft?

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