Club Junkies - 710 CB vs 2023 T100

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By OpensUpOverThere22

  • 2 Replies
  1. Hello all,

    I need some assistance from a fellow club-head. I am currently gaming a set of 710 CB handmedowns from 12 or so years ago. I hit them great, on the button, awesome ball flight, etc. Swinging 7i at around 90 mph, 175 carry, 6300 spin. They are quite beat up with wear marks and rust.

    I'm looking to upgrade and have been testing the T100 over the past few months. I'm wondering how these heads compare on paper/sweet spot/etc. If these CBs were brand new I would probably keep them in the bag.

    Reason I switched to the 710s is my prior set was bent 2 or 3 degrees upright when i bought them 4 years ago (T200), and was fighting a left miss all last year. Also went through a swing change since purchasing the old set which is why they were bent so upright. Really want to get away from the hollow body iron style.

    Appreciate any input

  2. J22abe


    I just recently switched from the 712 MB/CB combo set to '21 T100 irons.
    I had bought '21 T200 a couple years ago and hated how inconsistent they were in distance. I would get massive flyers I couldn't figure out why, Same with Miz HMBs. Both were resold in 30 days...

    The T100 are great. They should play about the same, only 1 degree stronger than the CB set. My gapping didn't get messed up at all. They're way more forgiving than the old CB/MB and feel is pretty good. Looks amazing, especially the top line.
    I wouldn't hesitate to switch to T100. They're fantastic.
  3. Richard P

    Richard P
    Lorraine, QC

    710cb is forged, also T100 but have tungsten in them. I think the T100 is more modern design and should have a better forgiveness. The cavity back 710 should have more forgiveness than the MB 710 on literature but I was always like the MB over the cb.
    T100 is also giving excellent feedback, you know exactly where you hit them on the face.
    It should be an excellent choice in short irons especially. Fitting could confirm which model or combination of models should give you the best results.

    I think, I did not understand, is when you wrote about T200 bent upright 2 degrees and fighting a left miss. Why you did not have them return to original lie angles. For a right hand golfer, more upright irons are going more left ( the face of club is closing when hitting the turf.)

    But for me, Titleist T100 is the most beautiful iron in 2024-2025

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