AP2 718 Limited Refinishing

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By AStein

  • 1 Reply
  1. Picked up a few AP2 718 Limited clubs and wanted to see about getting them refinished. Anyone have any recommendations for a third party? I checked out one that now seems to be out of business.

  2. Barry B

    Barry B
    North Dartmouth, MA

    Hello @AStein

    I had a person who I saw on Instagram, who seemed to be very good. Not only was it much more expensive than I originally thought, the "AP2" badges came UnGlued the first time that I used the set.

    I had to fight with the company for some reimbursement, that this had happened...

    I have heard that "TigerNick Golf" on Instagram does great work. Just be careful of those badges...

    Good luck!

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