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By JVia

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  1. JVia


    I would be interested in hearing about your shaft/head aha moment!! I've had two fittings now with two different results, switched from the GT4 to GT3 went from a Tensei 1k black Xstiff to a Hzrdus gen 5 60 stiff shaft. 8 deg driver head set at D-2 from the fittings. On the course i'd say a disaster, all over the place not a good feel either way. Well I have had enough of this so on to the research I went. Decided on buying two shafts based on info that sounded good. Tensei av raw white and blue both stiff, bought some trackman time and off I went and set the head back to A1 to test. I was originally thinking I'd lean towards the blue since it was softer in the middle and give a little kick, well it did and felt smooth with a kick. only problem was it jumped my spin #'s up over 3000. Moved the head down to D1 and into the white and walla, there it was, smooth with a little kick and I was back dead down the middle once again. 95/96 swing speed, 245-260 yds, 2300-2700 spin, 100-115 height. I'm happy as a lark, all the timing is back it's amazing when you find it right? Just keep searching!

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