TSR3 Head Weight

Follow Thread

By TMcGregor

  • 4 Replies
  1. What is the TSR3 supposed to weight with standard back weight installed?

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Mine was right around 198 grams. However, there are always heavier heads and lighter heads just based on tolerances.
  3. That was my issue. Mine was only 189 and my old one was 205g. The 189 was a warranty replacement. Even with the highest additional weight they make, +8(16) I would still have been at a D0 swing weight likely, better than the C7 standard gave me but not good enough. To boot I couldn't get the head weights in Canada. It was either Chinese knock off or nothing. Finally got the head back with Titleist after our pro from the club got a hold of the rep. Their CS told me to beat it basically. Frustrated. Bought a Premium set up with the AD shaft and it has been one of the worst purchases I have ever had for golf stuff and I buy a ton of stuff. Just bought a new oil can Vokey custom. Wonder what nightmare awaits there. Better off buying used.

    With tolerances like that I’ll find another brand. I picked Titleist because of quality but looks like you can’t get quality from any of the American manufacturers. Might as well go with TM for a driver as if there is an issue they just swap it. Titleist treated me like I had the plague. Just lucky I am a golf club member and my new pro was able to get Titleist to review their mistake. Bit of a gong show.
  4. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    In addition to manufacturing tolerances, when building drivers (or any other club), the weight of the heads are adjusted to match the shaft and grip weights to get to the specified swing weight.
  5. Richard P

    Richard P
    Lorraine, QC

    I have a 10 deg TSR3 head with the standard weight of 8 gr. The total weight is 194 grams.
    If this could help you.
    I weighted it using the scale on my Malby golf club scale.

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