New wedge

Follow Thread

By Matt D

  • 6 Replies
  1. Matt D

    Matt D
    Cary, IL

    I am trying to replace my 60 degree wedge (RS 588 with a recovery sole) with a new titleist vokey.  I currently have a 54 degree vokey with 11 degrees of bounce and I absolutly love it.  The RS 588 wedge has way too much bounce due to the recovery sole and it is always literally bouncing off the turf when I hit an approach shot.  I'm never able to make a divot like I do with my other clubs.  The question is whether I get a 58 or 60 degree vokey wedge to replace it and then with what type of bounce. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    My favorite "all around" wedge for a potential slider like you would be the 60.07.  The sole is a little wider than your trusty 54, but it should feel relatively the same through the turf and sand. 

    If you can find a fitter near you at, you may try the 60.10 and the 58.08 as well. 


  3. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    I've had a 60-07 since Jan and it is my terror around the greens.
  4. ToddL

    Attleboro, MA

    I am with you on this - I have the 60-07 and it is great!

  5. Joey R

    Joey R
    Batesburg, SC

    It all depends on the type of game you want to play.  If you do not like the bounce and want something lower, then you need the 58.08.

    I actually like the bounce on my wedges.  I do not have a problem stopping them when I need to, but for the most part, they have a little roll to them.  I use a 58.12.  It does kind of hop a little on the ground, but I am what they call a digger type and I hit down on the ball before the club hits the dirt, so the higher bounce does not affect me at all.

    Just depends on what type of shots you hit the most and whether you want roll or not.

    Hope that helps a little.

  6. Matt D

    Matt D
    Cary, IL

    Went with the 60.07. Can't wait to get it!!

  7. ToddL

    Attleboro, MA

    You will like it - very versatile in all conditions.  Good luck with it!

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