I'm Back & Couldn't Be Happier

Follow Thread

By Dennis M

  • 3 Replies
  1. Dennis M

    Dennis M
    Miami, FL

    About 6 months ago, I made a mistake. I bought a different brand of clubs believing their big fitting program would do something special for me. Since I'm 6'7" tall, their fitting program suggested a club so long and heavy that I couldn't handle it. Like many of us, I've always been guilty of changing myself to fit a set of clubs and without maintaining a realistic swingweight around D1 or D2, I lost distance and control.

    I decided I had had enough and today, bought a set of AP1 irons, the 710 series. They are 1" extra long and swingweight at D2. They are 1* upright and as close to perfectly fitted for me as possible. It's going to be really, really nice to see the name Titleist on my irons again.

    I'll decide later whether to sell the woods and hybrids from the previous set. I don't hit them badly at all, but the new Titleist drivers offer a lot for the money. Might have to make that move too.

    I'm back home...

  2. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    I took out my DCI irons for a round of golf today. The 6 iron hits the best of any that I have owned. Love the feel of the P an W. Need to dial in the 7-9 irons (they hit OK but I believe they are about 1/2 degree flat).
  3. Jeff  F

    Jeff F
    Cula Vista, CA

    Welcome Back.  I play the 690 CB and the new irons feel so good I am tempted to change.  With the 712s coming the November I think I will wait.

  4. Dennis M

    Dennis M
    Miami, FL

    I still have a set of 690.CB irons in the closet. Along with some other clubs, I keep that set here for when my son-in-law visits so he doesn't have to pay a fortune to travel on the airlines with a set of clubs. He fell in love with this set when I loaned it to him some years ago. It caused him to start looking at forged irons differently. He had played DCI irons before, but never really knew how good forged irons could feel. While he hasn't bought a new set yet, he's only looking at forged irons now. I suggested he simply buy a set of 690.CB irons off ebay for 1/4 of what new irons might cost, then get some 910 woods and be happy.

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