
Follow Thread

By wormburner

  • 16 Replies
  1. wormburner


    Just within the last couple of years I've acquired several pairs of shoes. All Footjoy's I might add. Some were new, some were hand me downs from my son, he wears the same size.

    Now I have acquired 6 pairs.... 2 in Vegas when I travel there and 4 at home. I have all black, all white, black and white camo, and boa.

    Seems now that I have all these pairs I have to decide which ones to wear on the golf outing.

    How many pairs do yall got? I think I need to worry about my game than what shoes to wear.

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    I only have 4, soon to be 3 pairs. Basically to have options if I get caught in a rain storm and 1 pair is in rehab.

    While I like to feel good selecting what to wear, by the time I’m on the first tee, the shoes are just one more tool like any other piece of equipment. Hopefully you aren’t wasting time on the tee assessing the other player’s appearance compared to yours

    6 is not a high number. We’ve seen postings of a dozen or more. Leaves me scratching my head, but then again so do a dozen SC and/or 50+ head covers. …What makes America great.
  3. Jon T

    Jon T
    Iowa City / Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    If you don't look good, you don't feel good, which means you don't play good! There is no such thing as too many! I have two pairs of FJ's and normally replace them after two seasons. My Superlites will be retired after this season, but I also just picked up a pair of Flex's (last year's on sale) for my everyday kicks - they're so comfy!
  4. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    I can relate this. I have 16 pairs of shoes as of now. Spiked, spikless, boa, athletic, classic, etc. in so mnay colorways. Look good...play good :)
  5. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I love the FJ Traditions. I can't seem to stop.
    Post Image
  6. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    I have been buying MyJoys lately in different color schemes. I am creeping up on retirement and want to be ready. I have also been doing the same thing with shorts and Scotty Cameron shirts.
  7. Mary Beth S.

    Mary Beth S.
    Lenexa, KS

    I have 3 pair FJ's (2 pr FJ Fuel's and one pair of MyJoys), and 1 pair of Air Jordan's. I tried other brands over the years but always end up back with Foot Joy. I also tend to stock up when I find a style I really like and that fit well, so I'm sure another pair of Fuel's will find their way into my collection soon...
  8. Palmer C

    Palmer C
    Ashland, MA

    I think I have about 6 pairs of Footjoys, but I usually wear one particular pair until it's worn out. I'll wear the others on occasion, but my basic black cleated are the most confortable. I do want to try a pair of the Traditions. I heard they're very comfortable as well.
  9. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    31 pair of MyJoys and about 6 pair of other FJ kicks!
  10. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    Todd T said:

    31 pair of MyJoys and about 6 pair of other FJ kicks!

    37 pairs! and my friends Tease me for having 3 pairs in my trunk.
  11. Chris P

    Chris P
    Katy, TX

    The most color coordinated golfer I know...Lookin' Good Todd!!
  12. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    I currently sport 3 different pair of FJ in all different color schemes to match the outfit. Also just recently picked up a pair of Oofos by FJ for after the round. Love them all.
  13. ToddL

    Attleboro, MA

    Ask an FJ Ambassador - you will get some surprising answers. I have 27 pairs of FJ's.
  14. BK

    Williston, VT

    Well, I go through 2 shoes at least a season just from wear
    So, I have a lot lol
  15. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    10 pair, for now.
  16. Brian C

    Brian C
    Fort Wayne, IN

    14, Not Footjoys, but 14 nonetheless. I don't have a problem, unless my wife finds out. LOL!
  17. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    Brian C said:

    14, Not Footjoys, but 14 nonetheless. I don't have a problem, unless my wife finds out. LOL!

    We won't tell her :-) I do have two pair of FJ and two of Squares Love them both. I just need a heavy shoe do not like the light weight shoes helps keep me grounded. Also had a pair of Adidas wore one time giving them to a friend that coaches a golf high school team they do not have a lot of money and in a real rural area can give them to a kid that does not have golf shoes.

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