Reasonable priced launch monitor

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By CGarcia

  • 6 Replies
  1. Hi all! I was wondering if anyone can recommend a launch monitor that won’t break the bank

  2. JYoung


    I have a Garmin R10 with the Spornia mat/net combo. The Garmin was around $600. My entire set up is $1200-$1300 and seems to work pretty well. The Titleist RCT balls made it more accurate. Of course, it would be cool to have the $10,000 set up but this works just fine for me.
  3. ZFoxx

    Cincinnati, OH

    I started with a garmin G10, and it was ok. I've since upgraded to a Bushnell launch pro (Foresight GC3). Foresight is, in my opinion, the best software out there and arguably better or on par with Trackman. I can't afford a trackman, but if I coud, I think I would still go with the Foresight software in a GC Quad. Hardly any misreads, awesome data points, and combined with GSPro, a phenomenal simulator.

    Not sure what your benchmark is for "breaking the bank", as it's different for everyone. But the launch pro can be had used (ball only) for $1,750 or less. With club data, I've seen them go used for as low as $2k. The only complaint I have with the unit, and I knew this going in, is that it's difficult to use if you have righty's and lefty's - as the unit has to be moved for each player (really only a simulator issue).

    One downside (not a complaint, as this isn't really a surprise), is that it's subscription based. It's $500/yr for the Foresight software (FSX Play, FSX Pro, and FSX included). FSX Play is great for simulation, FSX Pro is PHENOMENAL for coaching or using the range and going back to look at all your data, and FSX is a great range tool with built in "bag mapping", mini games, and such. For me, $500/yr to be able to work on my swing/game year round is more than worth it.

    Additionally, the unit is extremely easy to use on a live range. Set it up next to your hitting area and you're good to go. Not all metrics are available on the unit's screen, but everything you need at the range is right there immediately after each shot (carry, ball speed, spin, offline, etc.).

    I can't say enough good things about the Launch Pro/GC3. Highly recommend and a fraction of the (up front) cost of similar units such as the Garmin R50. The Uneekor is supposedly really good too, but I've never been a fan of Uneekor, personally. Hope this helps!
  4. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    Honestly, it depends on your skill level and desire. If you're a swing geek all into the #'s, get a good one. If you're just looking to monitor your speed as you try to increase it, those options are fairly inexpensive. It really comes down to your goals. I'm a Plus handicap and still take lessons, I let him spend the $$$ on Trackman.
  5. Richard P

    Richard P
    Lorraine, QC

    I just purchased a new Voice caddie sc4 pro. Did not have a chance to try it, but item got some nice reviews. From what I read, it is the spin rate that seem to be less accurate.
    For a use in driving range, this should do the job.
    If you do not want to pay few thousand dollars or do not want to pay annual fees, this item should be considered in your research.
    If budget is not a problem, Full Swing launch monitor is used by many pga players.
  6. Branden W

    Branden W
    Northern California by way of Texas

    I have a Voice Caddie SC300i and I have had no issues with it. The instruction manual is small, but the device is fairly easy to figure out, and there are videos on YouTube if you have issues. It comes with a charger and remote. The app works really good. You can add your individual clubs, including description, loft, and lie. It takes video. The app records data including: carry, total, swing speed, ball speed, launch angle, smash factor, apex, and spin. It charts the informaton for you, so you can compare your shots on table or graph.
    The device has audio, or you can turn it off if you don't want others at the range to know how far your shots are going. The device itself has a large display which is easily readable. You are able to use the app or included remote to select your club. Insure the device is the proper distance from where you are hitting. Once you hit, the display shows the carry, ball speed, swing speed, launch angle, apex, and smash factor. (see image for stock photo)
    When it was first released, it was $400-500. I saw it recently on Costco's app for $299.99. I have enjoyed mine, and recommend it to the recreational golfer looking for a launch monitor.
    Post Image
  7. Corey T

    Corey T
    Tyrone, GA

    Mevo or Mevo+ ... I have the Mevo and I've considered purchasing the Mevo+ but I'm still convincing myself that ROI is worth it (smile)

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