Just a simple 8 iron

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By DStanley

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  1. I would like to tell you my ball bounced off an electrical box, up into a tree, rolled down a limb and circled the green twice before going in the hole! That would have been a sight to see. But in reality, I simply flushed my 8 iron 138 yards, hit the green a foot in front of the hole, and bounced in. It actually was a sight to see with my three friends all jumping and yelling like a bunch of happy kids. It was my first hole in one in 30 years of golf. I know the Pro V1 was a key component as I can rely on the consistency. The GlowWorm yellow allowed us to see it happen clearly. Awesome day!

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  2. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Congratulations, sounds like a fun memory!

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