My First Hole in One was on a Par 4

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By 04ecc243dd

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  • 2 Replies
  1. I was having a less than stellar day hitting my irons. For this 260 yd Par 4 I hit my driver. I aimed toward the right side of the green as the terrain slopes right to left, hoping to get close or on the green. My two buddies and I saw my Pro V1 on the intended line but lost sight of it after it landed. I initially couldn't find my ball and before looking over the green, just for fun I decided to look in the hole. Fifteen feet from the hole I could see my ball between the pin and inside of the cup. After I stopped yelling “YES! YES! YES!” I realize my first Hole-in-One was also an Albatross.

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  2. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Looks like you were right on the money!! Nice shot
  3. BCH


    Very nice!

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