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  1. R F D II

    R F D II
    Davie, FL

    Copperhead # 4 165 yes 7 Iron For the past 31 years a group of us 60 strong from South Florida head to Innisbrook for the Annual Don Henley Golf Tournament. Stableford scoring Tourney amongst friends and family. Day 4, final foursome to go out, Frank T, Me, Dustin C and Dave M. 4th hole at Copperhead (Valspar PGA Tour stop for the S. Florida Swing), pin tucked right over a bunker protecting it. Flushed a 7 iron just right of the pin, never saw it but new it was close. As a group we grabbed our carts head to the green. At First glance, nothing on the carpet, thinking I left it short. Dustin and Dave approached and scanned for it, I was grabbing a wedge until Dustin says " Rob, you ain't gonna believe this" as he was standing next to the hole.....May I say anything else. Titleist, thank you for the only ball I've trusted in the last 20 years. My life in the game we love is complete!

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