First Career Hole-In-One

Follow Thread

By Gavin M

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  1. Absolutely incredible experience this weekend. Hole 4 at the Heather at Boyne Highlands in Northern MI, caught my T-300 9 iron pure as could be into a 10 mph wind on a 160 shot. While is was in the air I jokingly said “Pin check” to my buddies standing behind, and watched ball hop once and roll out into the hole. Energy was unbelievable as we screamed and hollered! Guys ahead waved their hats and congratulated me. In my 4 years of college ball and 3 years of golf since, I’ve never felt excited like I did there. Immaculate vibes for the boys trip! I’ve got my TourSoft set aside with my card. Can’t wait to get a little display going!

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