Six weeks ago, I had double-bypass, open heart surgery. The doctors and nurses said it would be at least 6-8 weeks until I could play golf, and then only very carefully because of the potential damage to the stitches and wires used to mend the sternum that holds my rib cage together. After about a month, I was able to putt and chip, and gradually worked up to full practice swings at a pace that did not cause pain or damage. I had a long-scheduled golf trip with some buddies that was to start six weeks after the surgery, but instead of canceling, I chose to make the trip with them and to decide on a day-to-day basis whether I could play, possibly using only the most forward tees and a limited number of clubs in my bag. On the first day of the trip, and during the first 18 holes I had played since the surgery, using my "75% effort" golf swing, I hit a four hybrid into a stiff wind on a 180-yard par three at the Sunday River Golf Club in Maine, and we all were amazed when it landed 10 feet from the hole and slowly rolled towards and then into the hole. Without doubt, the most amazing recovery shot I have ever hit.