AP2 and ProV1 at SJCC Feb 2025

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By paul m

  • 2 Replies
  1. Playing hole #4 on Wednesday February 19th. 125 on the ground, plus uphill around 135. Hit a well worn Titleist AP2 my daughter used to play when she was in college golf. I hit the ball well and saw it bounce on the green, but since the green is well above the tee box, didn't see anything else. When we arrived at the green, we didn't see my ball. My golf buddies Pat and Steve said wait, we will look in the cup. I thought that was ridiculous, but there it was. The ball flew past the pin and spun back in the cup. Since I hit my short irons a bit steeply, I've always gotten a lot of spin. Particularly with a ProV1. The photo shows the stripe that my ball marking left on the club. Just a bit toe sided. The practice wear on the AP2 is courtesy of my daughter. Thanks Titleist!!!

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  2. EddietheKarp


    Awesome shot, Paul! Congratulations
  3. Dino S

    Dino S

    Awesome! Congrats!

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