Head Cover for an Older Golo 7

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By PJDawes

  • 1 Reply
  1. PJDawes

    Springfield, MA

    Hello all hoping someone on her might have a little more experience with this then me. Was looking for a little more stability in the putter area and have been testing some things out and I recently came into possession of an older GoLo 7. So far it is defiantly working itself into the rotation but unfortunately if came without headcover, form what I can find in other sources it would normally come with or was originally sold with the mid-mallet blade cover. I was wondering if anyone knew of any third party headcovers hat have fit this model or if anyone has tried a smaller mallet style head cover on this model that they like. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. See if any of the stock headcovers could work on ScottyCameron.com under "Accessories". Sometimes they headcovers that work for older models.

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